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How to Get Involved

As we continue to navigate the challenges and opportunities ahead, the Haitian American Student Corporation (HASC) invites you to join us in making a tangible difference. Whether through financial support, volunteering, or spreading awareness, your involvement is crucial to our mission and the broader effort to uplift Haiti. Here's how you can help:

1. Fundraising for Impact

This year, our ambitious goal is to raise $50,000. These funds are vital for supporting projects that align with our objectives such as those of the Centre Hospitalier de Fontaine Foundation (CHF), focusing on education, healthcare, and community development. Every donation brings us closer to realizing these goals and enabling transformative change.

2. Make a Donation

Your generosity can light the way to a brighter future. By clicking the donate link, you can contribute resources that are directly utilized to aid and support entire or partial projects. Whether big or small, your donation makes a significant difference in our ability to carry out our mission.

3. Volunteer Your Skills

HASC believes in the power of community and skill-sharing. If you have skills or expertise that can benefit our projects, we'd love to hear from you. By volunteering your time and abilities, you become an integral part of our effort to create sustainable change. Get in touch with us through the contact us section to start making a difference today.

4. What to Expect Next

In our next issue, anticipate exciting updates on our ongoing projects and their impacts. We'll also share more ways you can engage with and support our mission. Expect inspiring stories from the communities we serve and insights into how your contributions are fostering positive change.